Hi, I'm Lexuan, a music educator, researcher and creative artist in Shenzhen, China
I am currently studying at The Education University of Hong Kong as a doctoral student. I worked as an IB music teacher at the International School of Nanshan, Shenzhen(ISNS. In the past, I have taught in Boston Latin School, Upham Elementary School and Spofford Pond School, USA as a general music teacher leading and teaching the folk dance club, choir courses as well as the general music classes from Kindergarten to G12 students.
Except being an educator at school, I am also a presenter who loves to introduce and share western music teaching pedagogies to Chinese music teachers, and a researcher exploring the different teaching strategies to benefit the Chinese local public school students. Furthermore, I was also one of the founding members for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Shenzhen Bay International School Festivals.
I am studying my doctorate degree in Education at Hong Kong Education University. I received my bachelor degree in music education from Wuhan Conservatory, China and a master degree from Boston Conservatory, USA. I finished three years summer Kodály certificate program in Hartt School of Music, USA and First Steps in Music and Conversational Solfege certificate programs with Dr. John M. Feierabend.
I'm very passionate about music education, teacher education and teaching strategies. Currently, I am also doing the research of comparing and contrasting the different music teaching methods between China and western world. I wish I can be part of the bridge to help connect the different teaching ways between China and the world.
我目前正在香港教育大学攻读博士学位。曾经作为一名IB音乐教师,就职于深圳南山国际学校(ISNS)。也曾在美国公立学校Boston Latin School, Upham Elementary School以及Spofford Pond School担任音乐教师的职务。在教学期间,曾组织过民间舞社团,合唱团以及担任过幼儿园到十二年级的音乐教师。
我目前就读于香港教育大学教育博士专业,曾毕业于中国武汉音乐学院,取得音乐教育学士学位,随后于美国波士顿音乐学院取得音乐教育硕士学位。回国工作后,每个暑假我依然继续往返于美国参加各类音乐教学法的学习和研讨。我于美国哈特福德大学获得“柯达伊教学法”的认证证书,并师从Dr. John M. Feierabend取得First Steps in Music 和Conversational Solfege的认证证书。